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9 Video Types That Can Transform Your Business


Mason Geiger Posted by: Mason Geiger 10 months ago

In today’s digital age, video has become an increasingly important tool for businesses of all sizes.

With the rise of social media and the popularity of video platforms, video has become one of the most effective ways for businesses to reach and engage not only with their target audience but also with their employees and key stakeholders.

Here are just some of the latest statistics on video marketing!

  • 92% of marketers report positive ROI from video.
  • 91% of businesses use video as a marketing tool.
  • 90% of marketers say video increases leads.
  • 87% of marketers say video has a direct impact on sales.
  • 17 hours is the average amount of time people watch videos online.

Video helps businesses like yours stand out and establish themselves as thought leaders. It’s a powerful tool that can be used to tell a brand’s story, showcase its products or services, add value, train staff, and connect with its audience on a deeper level. 

Are you ready to give your business a boost? Keep reading for ideas on how to transform your business through video.

How Do Businesses Use Video?

Businesses use video in various ways, including marketing, training, and communication. Leaders find that it’s a versatile tool to boost customer engagement, improve internal processes, and enhance their overall brand image. 

  • Marketing: For marketing purposes, businesses utilize videos to promote their products or services, showcase customer testimonials, and provide educational content. 
  • Training: Videos are also used to train employees, demonstrate new processes or procedures, and provide information on company policies and culture. 
  • Communication: Businesses also use video for internal communication, such as sharing updates or announcements, hosting virtual meetings, or providing feedback and recognition to employees.

Below, we’ve outlined nine ways many of our clients utilize video and 90 applications for these various types. We hope these ideas inspire you and get your juices flowing for what you can do in your business to increase sales and engagement!

9 Ways to Utilize Video & Their 90 Applications

Company story videos empower you to introduce the heart behind your organization or promote a client’s experience with your brand. As such, they often include a summary of your journey, culture, and values.

Your company story video has a multifaceted range of applications that can boost your brand’s presence and create a connection with your audience. Below are just a few!

  • Website Introduction: Help visitors understand your journey, culture, and values.
  • Social Media: Increase brand visibility and foster engagement across social media.
  • Onboarding & Training: Introduce new employees to your mission and values. 
  • Investor Pitches: Convey your company mission and vision to potential investors.
  • Trade Shows & Conferences: Give attendees a memorable glimpse of your brand.
  • Email Marketing: Introduce people to your brand with an embedded video in your email.
  • Recruitment: Attract talent by showcasing your company’s mission, vision, and values. 
  • Customer Testimonials: Showcase your impact with customer testimonials.
  • In-Store Displays: Influence purchasing decisions with increased brand understanding.
  • Corporate Events: Inspire attendees with what your brand represents.

Training series videos are an engaging way to equip your staff and new hires with the knowledge and tools they need to succeed in your organization. Training videos done well take people on a learning journey that motivates them to succeed.

Your training series videos have a range of applications to equip employees for their best work. Whether you’re integrating new software, onboarding new staff, or providing industry coaching, training videos make it easy and efficient. Below are just a few of the applications!

  • Onboarding: Equip new hires with an understanding of your processes and systems.
  • Software & Tech Tutorials: Demonstrate how to use software, apps, and machinery.
  • Compliance & Safety Protocols: Educate staff on standards and procedures.
  • Product Demonstrations: Showcase product features, functions, and benefits.
  • Customer Service Training: Equip your team with effective methods of communication.
  • Personal Coaching: Share unique lessons and inspiration with a broad audience. Sales Training: Offer strategies, product knowledge, and communication tactics.
  • Skills Development: Provide workshops on specific topics related to job functions.
  • Healthcare Procedures: Instruct medical professionals on techniques or procedures.
  • Academic Education: Share e-learning modules on various subjects.
  • Technical Workshops: Demonstrate techniques, assembly instructions, or procedures. 
  • Learning Management System (LMS) Integration: Provide engaging training content for an effective learning experience.* 

*Note: While training series videos do not require an LMS, many business leaders find that utilizing an LMS system with their content maximizes the benefits. See more below!

A Learning Management System provides centralized access to a video database of learning content that adds value to your internal and external stakeholders. As such, employees and customers can often navigate a well-organized system for efficient, effective learning.

LMSs have a variety of applications in corporate training, academic learning, and value-add content for your internal and external stakeholders. Its many benefits include monetizing courses, enhancing engagement, and tracking progress with gamification. Here are a few of the applications!

  • Corporate Training: Provide a centralized learning experience to onboard employees.
  • Remote Learning: Facilitate a remote-focused learning experience.
  • Course Creation & Monetization: Market and monetize your expert insight.
  • Certification & Compliance: Increase access to industry-specific certifications.
  • Extended Enterprise Training: Ensure key stakeholders receive universal training.
  • Community & Social Learning: Foster collaborative and gamified online learning.
  • Live Town Halls: Create an epicenter of connection with live interaction.

Live streaming is no longer just a trend; it has become essential in the digital communication landscape. It allows you to engage your remote workforce or community with town halls or live online events that would enable a broader audience to experience the energy and value of your message. 

Among the many benefits include the opportunity to break down geographical barriers, provide real-time interaction, and improve cost efficiency. Here are a few of the applications for your organization!

  • Corporate Town Halls: Stream meetings to a remote audience.
  • Training & Workshops: Host live sessions to onboard employees or enhance skills.
  • Product Launches: Unveil new products or services and capture real-time feedback.
  • Virtual Conferences: Decentralize conference access and allow remote attendance.
  • Fundraising Campaigns: Inspire partners and supporters remotely while on location. 
  • Stakeholder Meetings: Live stream important company announcements.
  • Team Building Events: Host company-wide meetings for distributed staff.
  • Interactive Q&A Session: Go live to address questions or gather feedback.
  • Event Broadcasts: Make significant company milestones accessible to more staff.
  • Workshops: Create an interactive learning session with your staff or community.

Event production and amplification support marry your content with the technology and creativity to produce a memorable event for your audience. It incorporates various elements, including sound, visuals, programming, lighting, atmosphere, and video. In fact, not only does the DreamOn Studios team help you produce an event, but we also help you amplify it to showcase memorable moments for event promotion and business marketing.

Here are just a few of the applications!

  • Corporate Events: Elevate product launches, training, and conferences. 
  • Trade Shows & Expos: Amplify your event, film interviews, and capture interactions.
  • Fundraisers & Galas: Create moments that move your audience to generosity.
  • Community Events: Capture talks, reactions, and highlights for promotions.
  • Social Media FOMO: Share your event highlights to create a sense of FOMO that makes those who missed out wish they were there!

A podcast—better yet, a video podcast—is a great way to add value to your audience and elevate your brand presence in the market. Utilize our state-of-the-art studio to share value-add conversations with excellence to promote your ideas and stories.

Some benefits of podcasting include enhanced brand visibility, deeper engagement, cost-effective marketing, and relationship building. Here are a few of the applications for your organization!

  • Company Updates: Share industry insights and share the latest news.
  • Community Building: Engage with your community and highlight customer stories. 
  • Advocacy & Awareness: Discuss social issues and rally support for causes.
  • Entertainment: Entertain your listeners with stories, comedy, education, and more.
  • Education: Discuss subjects from history, science, language arts, and more.
  • Self-Improvement: Support listeners’ personal development with relevant topics.
  • Storytelling: Entertain your audience with stories, serialized dramas, or book narrations. 
  • Interviews: Interview guests on industry topics relevant to your listeners. 
  • Reviews: Share industry-relevant reviews of products or services.

Whether you’re looking to raise funds for your cause, generate ticket sales for your event, or boost the sales of your products, high-impact campaign videos can move your audience to action faster than they would without them. 

Commercial campaign videos serve as a canvas where your narrative takes center stage. They allow you to tell your story in a way that engages your audience on a journey to connect and move them to action. Here are just a few of the applications!

  • Product Launches: Showcase new product features, functions, and benefits. 
  • Brand Awareness: Elevate your brand identity to establish your voice in your industry. 
  • Event Promotion: Create buzz for your upcoming event with an eye-catching video.
  • Testimonials & Reviews: Build trust and credibility by showcasing positive results.
  • How-To Guides: Educate your customers about products or provide tutorials. 
  • Storytelling: Share your origin story to connect with your audience emotionally.
  • Social Media Engagement: Create short, catchy videos to boost virality online. 
  • Public Service Announcements: Spread awareness about social issues, health guidelines, emergencies, or community service.
  • Retail Promotions: Spotlight seasonal promotions, flash sales, or new arrivals. 
  • Explainer Videos: Help people understand the problem you solve with your product.
  • Fundraising: Use emotional storytelling to garner support.
  • Teasers & Trailers: Generate excitement for an upcoming film, concert, book, or event. 
  • Tourism Marketing: Showcase destinations and attract potential travelers.

Whether it’s a training video for your staff or value-add content to promote your services to current or potential customers, a video series is a great way to share valuable and relevant content to engage your audience and boost your SEO. 

A video series serves many purposes, depending on your organization’s goals. Here are some of the common applications!

  • Training & Onboarding: Equip new employees with training and support to succeed. 
  • Product Demonstrations: Showcase product features, benefits, and how-to guides.
  • Case Studies: Share success stories from satisfied customers to boost credibility. 
  • Behind-the-Scenes: Give your audience a sneak peek into the making of a product.
  • Expert Interviews: Feature discussions with industry leaders or team members.
  • Announcements: Share company news and updates on major milestones.
  • Brand Stories: Narrate the journey of your brand and the values you stand for. 
  • Thought Leadership: Provide industry insights, trends, and value-add content.
  • Event Highlights: Share moments from events to celebrate key highlights.
  • Community Initiatives: Showcase your company’s community service projects.

Boost engagement with event highlights, value-add visuals, or lively reels. When trying to get your audience’s attention on social media, nothing captures it like a dynamic, catchy video. Here are some of the common applications for social media video content!

  • Brand Promotion: Showcase the mission, vision, and values of your brand.
  • Tutorials: Provide a step-by-step guide on how to use your product or service.
  • Reviews: Showcase real customer feedback to provide social proof and build trust.
  • Behind-the-Scenes: Provide a sneak peek behind the scenes of your company.
  • Storytelling: Empathize with your customer about their problem.
  • Live Streaming: Boost engagement by interacting with your customers live online.
  • Announcements: Provide quick video updates about sales, collaborations, or changes. 
  • Interviews: Feature interviews with experts, teammates, or customers.
  • Event Highlights: Give viewers a sense of being in the room with captivating highlights.
  • Inspirational Content: Share uplifting messages or stories that resonate emotionally.
  • Animations & Infographics: Break down complex topics in a visual, catchy way. 
  • Unboxings: Generate excitement for new products with fun unboxing videos. 
  • Visual Tours: Showcase properties, destinations, or behind-the-scenes looks.
  • Product Demos: Highlight key features and benefits with educational demonstrations.

Key Takeaways

In summary, here are some of the ways you can use video to transform your business:

  • Share your company story. Introduce the heart behind your business. 
  • Deploy a training series. Equip your staff for success.
  • Maximize your LMS. Unleash the future of learning.
  • Elevate live streaming capabilities. Engage your remote workforce. 
  • Boost event production and amplification. Bring your event to life. 
  • Add additional value with video podcasts. Share conversations with excellence.
  • Create high-impact commercial campaigns. Move your audience to action. 
  • Provide relevant content with a video series. Engage your staff and customers.
  • Elevate your social media presence. Boost engagement with catchy videos.

Are you ready to transform your business through video?

Schedule your studio tour or free discovery session today. We look forward to creating with you!