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Winona IT Case Study: Video Podcasting to Enrich Lives

Case Studies

Posted by: DreamOn Studios 9 months ago

At DreamOn Studios, it’s such an honor to partner with our clients as an extension of their team to elevate their stories and introduce more people to the value they offer. 

One of our favorite ways to elevate our clients’ stories is podcasting. Even better, our state-of-the-art studio in Warsaw, Indiana, is equipped with all the bells and whistles to take your podcast to the next level via video.  

In this article, we highlight Winona IT, a world-class technology consulting company that recently launched its video-based podcast to raise awareness and enrich people’s lives.  

Here is a behind-the-scenes look at the process of producing the podcast, the outcomes, and the learnings along the way.

Client: Winona IT

Winona IT is a consulting organization located in northern Indiana that began in 2019 to provide world-class IT support and software development with integrity.

Led by Michael Pahl, they have since grown to a team of 65 and are on a mission to change the perception of IT support by operating to honor God, enrich lives, and empower people to achieve more through their business.

Background: Why Their Work Matters

Whether they’re working with a large organization, government institution, nonprofit, or a small business, the service Winona IT provides is crucial to their success, making a difference in people’s everyday lives. Systems run smoother, information is more secure, and helpful data informs major decisions, empowering people to achieve more.  

Problem to Address: Limited Brand Awareness

Winona IT has certainly grown since 2019, but as a relatively young business, there is still untapped potential to build more awareness about how they enrich people’s lives. Knowing this, Michael recognized an opportunity to create more content to connect with their audience, but he wasn’t sure where to start. 

Having worked with DreamOn Studios on a few video projects in the past, he reached out about additional ways to get the word out about their business—to engage current clients, attract new ones, and build the team’s internal culture. 

As a busy leader, he considered podcasting but was concerned about the time commitment and what it would take to pull it off. “Before meeting the DreamOn Studios team, my perception was that creating a podcast would take a ton of my time,” said Michael Pahl, CEO of Winona IT. “I thought it would be a big hassle and a huge effort.” 

Fortunately for Michael, video podcasting is one of our sweet spots, and we love partnering with leaders as an extension of their team to alleviate time constraints or skillset gaps.

“It’s so helpful for someone who doesn’t have much free time to receive the kind of white-glove experience and guidance throughout the process that this team did,” Michael continued.

Ultimate Goal: Brand Awareness & Life Enrichment Content

For Winona IT, the ultimate goal wasn’t as much about providing how-to technical information as people might expect from an IT podcast. Rather, they hoped to use the podcast to enrich people’s lives and give them a boost of encouragement or insight into where they’re at in their business or personal life. 

“Right now is an unusual time in the world,” said Michael. “So I wanted to create a platform where my guests and I can have really meaningful discussions that enrich people’s lives. By working with DreamOn, we can further live out our mission of enriching people’s lives through this podcast.”

Recommended Solution: Video Podcast, “Wired for Growth”

DreamOn Studios recommended a video podcast entitled “Wired for Growth” in our state-of-the-studio space as well as a customized set design so that all Michael and the team had to do was walk in, be recorded, and walk out with the confidence that we would take care of all the post-production editing and distribution.

Knowing that Michael and the team’s time is limited and precious, our solution offered them the opportunity to raise brand awareness and connect with their audience without spending time on the details of the actual production process. 

Process & Timeline: Ongoing

The process of producing an ongoing, world-class video podcast involves seven activities, including:

  • Set Design: It’s important to ensure that the set reflects the organization and the brand without being a distraction. On our team, Sophie Olson ensures our set designs are customized to each client and their vision. 
  • Technology Setup: Creating a video podcast requires not only clean audio but also clear video and professional lighting. On our team, Mike Deuel ensures all the technical aspects of the recording are ready to go. 
  • Recording: During the recording, our producer, Matt Deuel, listens in and offers content recommendations, re-record suggestions, and support.
  • Audio/Video Editing: Once the podcast is recorded, Mike Deuel works through the content to edit audio and video to ensure a clean, enjoyable listening and viewing experience.
  • Social Media Assets: After final edits, it’s time to create marketing collateral to help the team distribute the podcast to their audience. Stephen Donley on our team creates social media assets, including content clips and graphics.
  • Distribution: Once recorded and edited, it’s time to distribute on major podcast platforms, including Spotify and YouTube. On our team, Matt and Mason ensure the podcast content is loaded with proper metadata, descriptions, and tagging to boost engagement. 
  • Topic Development: Topic development, guest recruitment, and hosting are the only activities that lean primarily on Michael’s team. Yet, even then, our producer is always there to provide support and guidance. 

“Throughout the process, the whole thing just feels really natural,” said Michael. “They are very flexible. But at the same time, they make it easy and don’t overwhelm me with a restaurant menu of options—they are appropriately flexible. They gave me just a couple of suggestions, knowing what’s best for me. They keep it simple. I’m a big fan of that.”

Outcome & ROI

Time: Our process increases productivity while buying back Winona IT’s time.

At DreamOn Studios, we strive to help clients accomplish goals while buying back time. We don’t want projects to create unnecessary busy work. Instead, we want clients to be able to focus on their area of expertise while our team executes their vision.

By freeing up Winona IT to focus solely on content while we concentrate on all the technical details, we save them hours of valuable time they can put back into their business.

Professionalism: The production quality matches the professionalism of Winona IT.

“People have been very impressed with the quality and professionalism of the podcast,” said Michael.

“The production quality really complements our brand, which we want to sell as very high quality. Winona IT is not the cheapest option. We’re the top-shelf option. The quality of the podcast DreamOn produces reflects our value.”

Enrichment: Feedback reflects that people value the enriching content.

“When we set out to create the podcast, our goal wasn’t to make money,” said Michael. “We set out to reach people and enrich lives. Our feedback indicates we are doing that! That’s all I can ask for!”

Awareness: The podcast is helping form and build relationships with clients.

As current and potential clients listen to the podcast, they are beginning to see a different side of Winona IT outside of its services. They are beginning to see the heart behind what they do and why they do it. As a result, clients feel more affinity with their team and desire to continue working with them. 

Joys: Win-Win Value & Learning

Working with Winona IT is a blast for our team! For us to help take some weight off their shoulders, see them in the studio, and learn with them is a highlight. 

“We have a blast doing the podcast, and we’re in this for the long haul,” said Michael.

“I’ve learned a ton through doing this, not just in the process with DreamOn, but also bringing guests on and interviewing them. Not only am I learning a lot, but we are also providing some value to others. It’s a win-win. That’s my favorite part.” 

Client Testimonial

“There are very few things in life that I’m willing to endorse 100% and just wholeheartedly because your reputation’s on the line—your integrity’s on the line. You know, DreamOn Studios is one of those organizations. Give them a shot. This is a team that works really, really hard to bring maximum value to their clients. I’ve seen it firsthand, and it’s pretty rare. There might be competitors on the market, but DreamOn differentiates itself with a personal touch, relationship building, and how easy they make the whole process.” – Michael Pahl, CEO of Winona IT

Let’s Create Something Together!

Like Michael, when you have a video or production idea, or dream that you’d like to explore, don’t hesitate. Don’t let some of the perceived obstacles or challenges stop you. Come talk to our team and see how we can take on the heavy lifting. 

If you’re ready for a partner to come alongside you as an extension of your team to produce your next event or videos, we’d love to meet you! 

Schedule your studio tour or discovery call today!